Monday, November 5, 2012

Designing a demo fusor

This section of my blog will introduce you to the demo fusor. A demo fusor is a device that looks as if its doing fusion but is actually ionizing the residual air molecules. 

As Richard Hull from puts it, "The demo LOOKS and OPERATES just like a real fusor. With no deuterium, it can't do any fusion. What it does is that it takes residual air molecules remaining in the demo fusor, which never has a secondary pump, and ionizes the various atmospheric gases. These ions and electrons look like and act like a real fusor to the eye and it also operationally mimes how a real fusor needs to be run. 

Isn't the effect beautiful! 

A real fusor requires a special gas called deuterium which, right now, is very hard to acquire.

In the next few posts, you'll learn how to build a basic demo fusor and where to get thee parts. Good luck!


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